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17 galleriesThe "Organic World" photo gallery is a collection of organic food and farming photographs from different parts of the world. Countries covered so far are the Baltic countries Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, Poland, France, Turkey, Palestine and China Please visit the "Luomu - Organic Finland" photo gallery for organic photos from Finland and "Tales of Organics in Finland".
51 galleriesTARINOITA SUOMALAISESTA LUOMUSTA - TALES OF ORGANICS IN FINLAND (English below) Kuvaamme ja kerromme tarinoita suomalaisesta luomusta. Suurin osa kuvista on kuvattu luomutiloilla ja muiden luomutoimijoiden luona 2011 alkaen, mutta jonkin verran aikaisemminkin. Tarinoita löytyy sivustolta ja julkaisemme kirjan alkuvuonna 2013. Kuvia on koottu tänne kohteittain järjestettynä. Kuvia voi myös etsiä "Search Gallery" toiminnolla. Osittain kuvia voi tilata erilaisina tulosteina tai sähköisesti. Jos kuva ei ole täällä myytävänä (esim kuvat, joissa on tunnistettavia ihmisiä), niitä voi tiedustella sähköpostitse erkinkuvat(ät) Huomaa myös "Organic World" kuvagalleria, johon on koottu kuvia luomukohteista muualla. WE PHOTOGRAPH and tell stories about organics in Finland - occasionally also from elsewhere. Most of the photos have been taken in 2011 or later on organic farms or other operators in Finland but some even earlier. Some of the stories have been published in in Finnish. Follow also the blog . We published the book "Tales of Organics in Finland" in early 2013 - also as an English translation. The photos have been organized based on the farm or company where they were taken. You can use the "Image Search" function to find photos from different topics (most of the key words are in Finnish for the time being). Some of the photos are for sale as prints or download here - however as a rule the photos with recognizable people are not. In that case you can inquire by email at erkinkuvat(at) Please note the separate photo gallery "Organic World" with organic food and farming photos from elsewhere.
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